czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2013

back in time.

We're back in Porto. Unfortunately our fridge is broken so our food supplies from Poland hurt. We have a strange weather now, every day in the morning it's raining and in the afternoon there's a beautiful sun and blue sky.  Now I feel much more comfortable here, I used to cold temperatures inside the buildings… I used to green trees and spring in the middle of its beauty immediately after landing…to Portuguese people around looking very similar at first look….to strong wind and blue ocean.
I’d like to share with you some useful information which I’ve noticed when I was coming here back. 
  1.      .      I have a supply of polish food for even a month. When I was coming here in February I didn’t have a space and weight to bring some things, now my baggage was in the half of food and in the half of cosmetics. ( as I’ve mentioned they are quite expensive here – of course you don’t have to carry this from your country and reserve money to buy them here). What I took from Poland? You can see below :)

    2.       Supply of cosmetics: I didn’t noticed earlier that I’m using so many of cosmetics ;o wow…and it’s so            heavy! Now I have a small case full of cosmetics ; )))))) I took mainly some hair stuff, body lotions. 
  1. 3      Baggage. These 23 kg is obviously not enough for me, I always worry about the weight at the check-in. Now I had only 22,9 kg, earlier 23,0…Agnes had now 23,1 kg and earlier only 19!. Of course my hand luggage is full till the maximum. I’ve sent my 22,9 kg to Porto directly I still don’t know how they did it…it was waiting for my plane somewhere in Frankfurt or sent to Porto and waiting for met at the airport? I was happy to see it at the tape. 
    4.       I had a backpack filled with cloths which were packaged to contain a minimum of space – my mom is the master :*. What is more I took a jacket with a sweater and packed some cloths into the sleeves. It was quite heavy to carry all the time, but it’s worth of that, trust me ! I also had another jacket + sweater + bag + small bag with documents. I looked like alien but I don’t care, I needed to pack for 3 months, people ! (these who know  me understand it totally ;)) Everything that was accepted by the control so with big smile on my face I was waiting for my plane.
    5.       Sandwiches are allowed in hand baggage. I didn’t know that this is why I’m writing it here. I bought a small bottle of water in Frankfurt at the duty-free zone (2,55 euro) and I took it into the board also. During the flight I got some small croissant with chocolate (Waw-Frankfurt) –very cold but it was much more better than kartoffelpüree ;p From Frankfurt-Porto I got small salad with biscuits. Lufthansa’s meals are not the best in the world – be prepared for that! TAP’s meals are much more richer, warm and tasty.

    6.       At the airport in Frankfurt we both had to wait ~4 hours but it’s not so much as you think. To find my gate I had to go throw 40 gates and it took me above 20-30 minutes.  If you have a connection with the flight e.g. to US, you need to change a terminal and it can takes even an hour.
    7.       Don’t travel with runny nose or headache. Agnes has a clogged ear now and she’s going to see the              doctor probably.

 There are some photos from my Easter time in Poland. I was trying to eat as much as I can, cause here I don’t have a chance to try such a delicious dishes. I need to wait till July ;<

  1. Hope you all enjoy the easter time as we :)

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