niedziela, 24 lutego 2013

The language

Heeey guys! How is your weekend? Mine past with nice mix of sleeping, jogging and watching of soap operas (finally we have enough fast net to watch everything).  Today I would like to write my thoughts about portugese language. So! As I said earlier, since I was little girl and 'Zbuntowany anioł' (name of Uruguayan soap opera with Natlia Oreyro) showed in polish television program I fell in love in Latino (Spanish&Portugese) languages. Before my Erasmus I had some portugese classes in Poland , which were very helpful especially to understand quite hard ( AND DIFFERENT TO SPANISH) accent. Right now I am attending portugese languege course at my University. The course is very intensive and after two months I will (hope so) finish my study and get a certificate. Because languages are one of the most important abilities,  I would like to continue my education in Poland. Ok. So for those who are looking for some new, rare language to discover i gave a link for amazing online, youtube classes below :))  Due to being fan of latino sound my music list is also full of latino american bands , not even mention about fado music. I do not know if most of you are aware that the famous song Michel Telo "Ai se Eu te pego 'is orginally in portugese languege: D !


PS. Thanks for next thousand of visitors! As we can see Porto is more popular than Lisbon :D
Kisses - A

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